• Health & Care

    Learn to Understand Your Cat

    Okay, so only crazy old ladies want to talk to their cats, right? Well, maybe not. You may well have noticed that your cat talks to you, so it is only right that you try to understand what your cat is trying to say so that you can respond in the right way. Each unique noise your cat makes and the tone at which they make is likely to mean something very specific and the more you can understand what you pet is trying to say, the more likely you are to be able to keep them happy and healthy.

  • Health & Care

    The Importance of Cat Food over Mice and Birds

    Across each respective species, all animals that are categorised within the cat family establish and maintain predatory instincts in which they are trained by their parents and by themselves in later years to hunt for food in order to survive and source some sort of nutrient intake to remain healthy and strong. This is particularly important for animals such as tigers and jaguars that are traditionally situated within areas of wildlife across the world which ultimately comes down to the survival of the fittest to source food on a daily basis to feed themselves and, or, their family. Cats which are sold across pet stores and specialist breeders for the…

  • Health & Care

    The Importance of Dog Training

    All animals and reptiles which can be owned as pets have their own respective and unique behavioural characteristics which belie their natural instincts and provide owners with variable qualities in which to embrace and enjoy. Dogs are a fine example of animals which provide bundles of energy and seek continual attention from their owners or those around them, in which their exciting and playful nature shines through. Although puppies and adult dogs pose little to no danger to human beings unless they feel threatened or have been hurt, it remains important for all dog owners to establish a certain level of training to ensure their pet remains well behaved within…

  • Health & Care

    Benefits of Purchasing Dog Food Online

    Human beings, animals and reptiles all share one thing in common – all three require a certain quantity of food and drink on a daily basis in order to receive the nutrients and vitamins required to remain in good condition and avoid any health problems. Although abnormalities and dysfunctions, which are out of the control of an individual or pet and not necessarily related to lack of food or drink intake, can occur at any given moment, establishing and maintain a well balanced diet is an important factor within improving overall health and increasing the strength of muscles and bones in order to manoeuvre and be stable. For any puppy…

  • Health & Care

    The Importance of Water to Canine Health

    It simply cannot be stressed enough just how important it is for responsible dog owners to ensure their pet gets plenty of fresh drinking water. In fact a dog’s body composition is actually 70% H2O, so it is vital importance that theyhave access to water at all hours of the day and night. Although canines can live even if they lose most of their fat and half of their protein; they will die if they lose just a tenth of their water composition.